Sword and Qigong Workshops, Saturday, 10th July 2021

Sword and Qigong Workshops will be conducted on Saturday, 10th July 2021.  

Details are as follows:

42 Sword Form Workshop (part 2) - conducted by Susan Berryman

Date and time: Sat 10 July, 9am - 3pm

Location:         Balwyn Evergreen Centre, 45 Talbot Ave. Balwyn

Fee:                  $45 (TCG members), $50 (others). 

Registration:   See below.

In January 2020, Hong Kong Club Tai Chi Group ran part 1 of the 42 sword form workshop.  At that workshop, Sifu Susan Berryman taught the first half of the 42 sword form.  Due to the lockdown, we were unable to run follow up workshops.  In this workshop, Susan will provide a revision to the 1st half of the sword form and will teach new movements to about 3/4 of the form.

The 42 Sword Form is an international standard routine created for competition. It combines elements of Chen, Yang, Wu and Sun style Taiji sword. Preference is given to those who have participated in the part 1 of the workshop and those who have learnt 42 bare hand form.  All participants should be experienced Tai Chi practitioners who are familiar with at least two styles of Taijiquan. All participants must complete a sword safety briefing before the workshop and strictly comply with sword safety requirements during the workshop.   This workshop should be considered to be an introduction only to the 42 Sword Form.  Ongoing practice and refinement is necessary to gain competency in this sword form.

Health Qigong Revision Workshop - conducted by Sam Au

Date and time: Sat 10 July, 9 am - 12 noon

Location:         Balwyn Evergreen Centre, 45 Talbot Ave. Balwyn

Fee:                  $25 (TCG members), $30 (others). 

Registration:   See below.  

This workshop will provide a revision to Health Qigong BaDuanJin ( 建身气功八段锦)and Health Qigong YiJinJing (建身气功易筋经)and will include a brief introduction to the Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) meridian system.  If time permits, other health qigong forms may be practised.  Participants should have some experience with health qigong forms.


Please register by email at: hongkongclub.taichigroup@gmail.com  stating your name and contact phone number and which workshop you wish to join.  Number of participants are limited.

Payment can be made on Saturday 10/7/21 before the start of the workshop.  A hard copy registration form needs to be completed prior to the start of the workshop.